
Alaska / Northern Canada

People Groups
Alutiiq, Athabaskan, Tlingit, Yupik, Inuit
Major Religions
Ethnic religions, Orthodox Christianity 
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We call it the 60/70 Window: Alaska, the Yukon and Northwest Territories, Nunavut — names that signal harsh climate, immense geography, isolated communities and intense spiritual needs.

It is SEND North’s vision to see every community of the 60/70 Window filled with local disciple-makers who meet together regularly and have established regional leadership.

Ways that we engage the lost and train disciples:

  • Incarnational disciple making
  • Pastoral ministry
  • Bi-vocational ministry (nursing, teaching, counselling, etc.)
  • Youth ministry
  • Summer camps
  • Bible day camps
  • Aviation ministry 
    Spiritual Climate

    Many of the communities in the 60/70 Window struggle with substance abuse, poverty, loss of culture, suicide and other problems that present unique challenges for church planting. The people of the north are known to be very creative and relational. They have a strong sense of community and a respect for both the natural and spiritual world.

    SEND North personnel seek to:

    • Live in these communities with intentional, long-term focus
    • Build relationships
    • Effectively communicate the gospel across various cultures
    • Disciple local people with the intent that they would also make disciples
    Team Goals
    SEND North would like to see every community of the 60/70 Window filled with local disciple-makers. To bring about this vision, we would like to accomplish the following within the next five years:
    • Mobilize and equip short-term ministry teams to enter 10 unreached villages.
    • Initiate three new Bible studies in the Anchorage area that include members of unreached people groups.
    • Facilitate the appointment of 10 new local elders who will have a vision for regional church ministry.
    • Organize and launch three new, annual events designed to draw regional believers in for fellowship, discipleship, and small-group formation. (Current examples are youth gatherings, men’s retreats, and shotgun shoots.)
    Would you be a good fit for this team? 

    SEND North is looking for:

    • People with a passion for people. No matter your skills or vocation, Northern missionaries need to strive to intentionally pursue trust-building, gospel-proclaiming relationships in all that they do. Most often this takes place outside of a church building or program and will happen in everyday life. Spending time with others doing what they value is central to what we are about. Taking time to learn their culture, values and worldview are critical to ministry effectiveness. Visiting people in their homes or talking about Christ while hunting — this is what ministry looks like for us.
    • People who are independent enough to survive in a remote village, yet who understand how much believers need one another. You need to have a strong walk with the Lord that can remain steadfast without a thriving local church, yet not simply think you can survive without other believers either. The people of the North are independent and geographically cut off from others. Our people need to help be a catalyst for connecting isolated believers to one another.
    • People who want to see local people discipled. Our ministry is not about buildings or programs; we are about seeing every person grow to maturity in Christ. This means you likely will never have a large church that looks to you as its pastor. Instead, you will strive to work with individuals and small groups to help them learn how to make disciples.
    • People who are willing to learn from and respect a culture different from theirs. SEND North is all about bringing the gospel across cultural (and geographical) boundaries. You need to be ready to listen before you speak. You must be willing to take months, even years, to earn the right to share your faith. Although most of the people speak English, their values and worldview will likely be different than yours.
    • Other things that help but are not required: Familiarity with life in extreme winter conditions. Interest in subsistence lifestyle practices such as hunting, fishing, canning, trapping, gardening, etc. Maintenance skills for small engines and homes (home heating & plumbing systems, snowmobiles, ATVs, etc).

    Albanian Ministries

    People Groups
    Major Religions
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    SEND’s Ministry
    SEND workers focus on Albanian families, many of whom have experienced war and loss in recent years and identify themselves as Muslim. SEND engages these families through village outreach, outdoor adventure and English camps, youth ministry, university outreach, Bible studies, sports and TESOL, and community health.
    Spiritual Climate
    Albanians tend to have a high Islamic identity but do very little to practice their religion. However they are slowly and quietly responding to the gospel, particularly through the camps, and discipling these new believers is vital to their growth process.
    Team Goals
    SEND’s ministries in this part of the world began in 1993 when short-term teams of farmers answered the government’s call for help to retrain local farmers after the commune system failed. SEND workers have continued to cultivate close relationships and are free to engage people with the gospel in respectful ways.


    People Groups
    Bulgarians, Turkish Roma, Roma
    Major Religions
    85% of Bulgarians are Orthodox but only 1% regularly attend church
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    SEND’s Ministry

    The SEND Bulgaria team is small but very active in the community. Our passion is to help churches grow and shine. Currently, we do this by counseling in person and online. We are looking for teammates who can help us expand our reach in the community.

    The Bulgarians and Roma are very social and love to interact. A local pastor believes that young people here need role models who can help give them hope and break the challenges of human trafficking, prostitution, drug addiction and domestic violence. In the village where we live, a lot of the younger generation have emigrated or moved to Sofia to work in the city or abroad. The older generation still in the villages have thriving, large vegetable and fruit gardens.

    There are great opportunities in Bulgaria for people who are interested in living here and giving hope to the local community. How do you feel the Lord could use you here?

    Spiritual Climate

    According to local Bulgarian pastors, the population is only 1-2% evangelical Christian. When Bulgaria regained its freedom in 1989, the people wanted to reclaim their national identity. To Bulgarians, this meant reviving Orthodox traditions. Unfortunately for most Bulgarians, that is all that religion means--identity and tradition, often mixed with superstition.

    One local pastor said recently that the Lord is activating young people here to evangelize, and that what Bulgaria needs most is people who love God and love people.

    In our local area, 70-80% of the Roma are Christian, but according to one of the leaders, they face challenges of unity among the leadership. The Roma youth say that they are bored and have nothing to do.

    We have noticed that people are very open to being prayed with and very grateful that we take the time to share hope from the Bible.

    Team Goals

    Train Bulgarians and Roma in Christian counseling to reach out to their communities

    Facilitate new missionaries coming to live and fellowship with the active, local church

    Help the active, local church to develop children’s and youth ministries

    Help the local church facilitate adult Bible classes and discipleship

    Initiate Community Development Projects that create job opportunities and financial stability for local young people 

    Life in Bulgaria Looks Like:
    • People who are proud of their national heritage, as the oldest country in Europe, preserving its original name since 681 AD
    • Naturally diverse landscape with mountains, Black Sea coast, rivers, lakes and hot springs
    • Beautiful cities with reliable public transportation, interesting sites and tasty food
    • Villages and towns with rich garden produce due to excellent agricultural land and climate
    • People who want hope and a vision for a good future 
    Would you be a good fit for this team?

    Bulgaria needs people who are determined and optimistic. There are a lot of young people who are hungry for people with hope, who believe that life can work in Bulgaria.

    The people are proud and passionate, loving their traditions, climate, language and food while at the same time lacking in confidence to effect change and make things happen. Bulgaria needs people who are persistent and believe that people can change.

    Central Asia

    People Groups
    Muslims living in Central Asia
    Major Religions
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    SEND’s Ministry

    Do you enjoy telling a good story? In Central Asia, sharing stories from the Bible creates opportunities to introduce Christ to Muslims. Global Gospel workers in Central Asia meet felt needs in order to build deep relationships through which to share the gospel. We encourage new disciples of Jesus to form fellowship groups and share their faith with neighbors, other people groups, and neighboring countries.

    Many Central Asian communities prove hard to enter through conventional missionary service, so this part of the world offers great opportunities for bi-vocational workers whose gospel witness can spring from a visible commitment to loving the local community. Key sectors SEND Eurasia is already working in or hopes to enter, which hold potential for outreach include education, health, community development and administration.

    Spiritual Climate
    While a significant Slavic, Russian-orthodox population resides in Central Asia, many unreached Muslim people groups are more historically rooted here, and call Central Asia home to this day.  The last several decades have seen religious and civic leaders, including influential Muslim leaders from outside of Central Asia, attempting to foster growth in the Islamic faith, which is practiced only nominally by most. Yet, even though many Central Asians follow a more shallow-rooted tradition of faith, they still need to see for themselves the personal integrity of those coming with the Good News. Gospel workers here take their time with Central Asia friends to build trust in sincere, committed friendships, which are of great value to people of this region.
    Team Goals
    • Train and mentor leaders for effective ministry.
    • Launch new fellowship groups.
    • Enlarge camp and club ministry for children and youth.
    • Facilitate English training for all ages in order to build bridges to the gospel.
    • Partner with existing agencies in health, development, and education. 
    Life in Central Asia 

    Central Asia stretches from the Caspian Sea to China, and features cultural elements from the East, Middle East as well as from more Western cultures. Local relational ties bind communities together, and changes in faith create relational ripples that are deeply felt in the myriad proud cultures who call any of the five Central Asian republics home. Here, people hold honor, hospitality, courage, loyalty in high esteem. These values afford the global gospel worker with much rich opportunity and challenge in building a place for themselves in this world.

    Historically, the Silk Road cut through these many miles of land, acting as a crossroads for the movement of people, goods, and ideas between Europe and Asia. And a centuries-long love of the horse and oral narrative poetry underscore the nomadic roots of this region. Today life in these high-altitude desert steppes, valleys and mountains can also capitalize on space launches, Alpine tourism, Uranium reserves, big oil, and cotton fields. Yet economic instability persists for most average citizens. And while the Russian language operates as the current trade language for many of the “Stan” countries, most Central Asian Republics promote the use of their own languages.

    SEND Central Asia desires to build teams that thrive in their communities in order to demonstrate the glory of Christ’s love to the many peoples of the steppe, and have a lasting impact for Christ. 

    Join the team

    The Central Asian context calls for creative self-starters. As you explore ministry in Central Asia, consider:

    • Character: Do you have a growing love for God, his Word, and others? 
    • Coachability: Are you teachable and committed to life-long learning?
    • Competence: What gifts, skills, and experience have you developed?
    • Calling: How do you see God leading you into global service?
    • Chemistry: How will you contribute to healthy team community?

    SEND’s mission coaches help people discover their place in God’s plan to reach the nations. Click here to connect with a coach!


    People Groups
    Croatians, Internationals
    Major Religions
    Roman Catholicism
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    SEND’s Ministry

    Developing reproducing disciples is the key to establishing reproducing churches. SEND Croatia’s vision is to see all regions in Croatia have established, healthy, reproducing, Biblical churches that have societal influence. SEND Croatia comes alongside our national partners to mobilize God’s people, engage the unreached, and establish healthy reproducing churches. A variety of methods include youth ministry, tract distribution, Christian camping, Bible teaching, small groups, leadership development, and creative engagement.

    SEND Croatia partners together with the Baptist Union in Croatia to encourage existing churches and to plant new churches in areas where there is no existing church. We work closely with our national partners following their leadership and helping where they need us. We also partner together with Scripture Union Croatia in providing religious education materials and camps for children and youth in the hopes of evangelizing and discipling the next generation.

    Spiritual Climate

    The culture is shifting—while most Croatians still identify as Catholic, in actuality, they live a dichotomy of “God on one side and life on another.” Interest in church and God is declining. The majority of Croatians are pragmatic agnostics and a growing number would identify themselves as something other than Catholic—Agnostic, Muslim, Atheist, or other.

    Team Goals

    By the end of 2025, SEND Croatia will, LORD willing: 

    • Have 3 new units on the field learning language and preparing to partner with a national in a church or church plant.
    • Start 5 new strategic outreach initiatives, working alongside our national partners.
    • Work with our national partners to see the body of Christ reaching 3 new communities.
    Life in Croatia looks like: 

    Croatia is a small country with many small cities. Life is a little slower than the hustle and bustle of the West. People here take time to grab coffee and enjoy each others' company. Many life-giving conversations happen over that cup of coffee. Croatia is a mix of East meets West. We enjoy the conveniences of the West but have a rich-Balkan history that influences many of the people here.  

    Would you be a good fit for this team?

    We are looking for humble, flexible, servant-hearted leaders who will come alongside us and our national partners to see God's Kingdom grow. We want teammates who have the heart to serve, being new ideas, make meaningful relationships, learn the language and culture, and listen to the needs of the people and our church partners. We desire to engage people with the gospel in creative and new ways but patience is key when serving here in Croatia. It takes time to see people come to faith, it takes time to see ideas come to life. As the Croatians would say, "polako," meaning take it slow. 


    People Groups
    Major Religions
    85% unaffiliated with a specific religion (including atheists and agnostics)
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    The SEND Czech team offers opportunities for all types of people. In the Czech Republic we are looking for a wide range of personalities, abilities, and giftings in order to reach our vision of seeing the Czech people being transformed by the gospel and reaching their neighbors.

    Our team is focused on partnering with existing local churches and helping them plant new churches in under reached towns and cities. As we move into these towns and cities we need people who seek to work with youth, young families, broken families, singles, or even the elderly. We want to plant churches that deeply care about reaching their neighborhoods and cities with the gospel. This means that we want to reach all types of people.

    Spiritual Climate
    Over 30 years after the fall of communism, the Czech Republic remains one of the least formally religious countries in the world, although the atmosphere has changed. In the 1990’s the vast majority of Czechs would identify as atheists, and while there are still many atheists in the country, things have changed. Unfortunately, there has not been a rise in Christianity over this time period; in fact, the number of Christians in the country has actually shrunk. Now, a large number of Czechs are agnostic or a mix from different religions to create their own personal religion. Spirituality is actually quite popular in the Czech Republic, just not Christian spirituality. You could say that the dominant religion in the Czech Republic is nothing, yet also everything all of the time. Czechs are fairly ambivalent towards Christianity, yet are generally quite interested in talking about spirituality or religion. Many Czechs have never heard the gospel explained. Opportunities abound to have gospel conversations with friends and neighbors.
    Team Goals
    • In Fall of 2022 our team will begin working directly with a new church plant in the town of Chomutov in partnership with the CB church in the town of Most.
    • We seek to continue to develop our relationship with the CB denomination and local congregations in order to further partner with them in planting new churches in underreached cities and towns in the Bohemia region of Czech.
    • We want to focus specifically on making disciples and not simply winning new converts. One of our goals is to focus heavily on not just telling others about the gospel, but walking alongside them, equipping them, and discipling them as well.
    Life in Czech looks like:
    • In the Czech Republic mountains, forests, rivers, and lakes abound. Gospel conversations often take place on hikes, or even bike trips, at a ski lodge, or while river rafting.
    • If you are not into sports that’s OK too! Czechs enjoy relaxing and talking in cafes and pubs.
    • Czechs are stereotypically closed off to outsiders and relationships and trust take a long time to build. As a result, ministry can be slow to start. However, once relationships are built they are often deep and strong.
    • Czechs are extremely proud of their language and enjoy helping foreigners learn it, as long as you are willing to be laughed at occasionally. 
    Would you be a good fit for this team?

    Our team is looking for people who love those who do not know the gospel. We want people who are interested in learning about the local culture and are willing to wrestle with the Czech language. The region of the country in which we are focusing our church planting efforts also has a high concentration of people who are unemployed, in poverty, or struggled with addictions. If you have a heart for the disenfranchised, this might be a good opportunity for you. Anyone who joins our team needs to recognize that work here is often slow and hard. We don’t care if you are an introvert or an extrovert, young or old, married or single, with or without kids. We want a diverse team that can help plant diverse churches. 


    People Groups
    Home to 2,152 people groups, over 350 of whom are unreached Muslim groups.
    Major Religions
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    SEND’s Ministry
    SEND workers, in partnership with a sister organization, will engage Indian Muslims by building bridges of friendship and understanding. The team will work with a local church and partner agency to use literacy, micro-finance, and community health and development to minister in communities and connect Muslim people to Jesus. SEND’s goal is to create Great Commission believers who will reach their neighbors, other people groups, and neighboring countries.
    Spiritual Climate
    95% of India’s population is part of an unreached people group and these groups speak 1,500 different languages. How will they respond to the gospel if they have never heard it? Currently, India only has seven missionaries per million people. The Indian church and missionaries need more help to effectively communicate the gospel.
    Team Goals
    In the next five years, SEND India will:
    • Recruit people willing to learn a new language.
    • Seek to establish a spiritual reputation in India's neighborhoods.
    • Follow social networks in sharing the gospel.
    • Use stories to present the gospel.
    • Sensitively but courageously seek to gather people together for worship.


    People Groups
    Japanese, Kanto, Tohoku, Okinawa
    Major Religions
    Shintoism, Buddhism
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    The growing SEND Japan team offers opportunities for you to use your unique gifts and talents to proclaim Christ. We welcome creativity in ministry! Our teammates develop evangelistic relationships through Bible studies, conversational English classes, helping farmers harvest seaweed, cooking classes, YouTube videos, concerts, Christian education, and camp and youth ministries.

    If you want to explore missions, our short-term Discipleship House (D-House) internship programs offer hands-on experience in cross-cultural ministry with an emphasis on discipleship.

    No matter what type of outreach, in Japan you can help make disciples of Christ, with the goal of starting churches that will go on to start more churches.

    Spiritual Climate

    The Japanese are the world’s second-largest unreached people group. While Shintoism and Buddhism are major religions, materialism, ancestor worship, and group conformity also influence Japanese culture. Most Japanese consider Christianity a good, but irrelevant, foreign religion.

    SEND Japan has a long history of partnership with local churches. You can work alongside Japanese believers to start new churches in the region around Tokyo (Kanto), and in the northeast region (Tohoku), which was hit by the tsunami disaster in March 2011 and still bears scars from that trauma.

    God has powerfully used camping ministry in Japan. One in five Japanese Christians put their faith in Christ at a camp! We partner with several camps to reach Japanese young people for Christ.

    Team Goals

    In the next five years, SEND Japan will:

    • Begin actively engaging in the startup of five new reproducing churches in the Kanto region by 2030. We will cooperate with existing churches and deploy 30 SEND disciple-makers to this initiative.
    • Engage people in the prefecture of Fukushima (one of the disaster-stricken zones from 2011) to bring the hope of Christ in word and action.
    • Concentrate on discipleship in all our ministries.
    • Develop a full program for 1- to 2-year missionary workers.
    • Complete the second phase of the “Next Generation for Christ” project at Okutama Bible Chalet to develop new outreach and discipleship programs, build a new dining hall, and increase staff.
    Life in Japan looks like:
    • Open doors for evangelism
    • The excitement of connecting every day with people in your community who have never heard the gospel
    • Excellent public transportation and urban biking
    • The beauty of seashore, forests, and mountains
    • Amazing food
    • Helpful, understanding people who know their language is hard and show grace toward foreigners who are learning to speak it
    • Celebrating every step on the journey people take toward Jesus
    • Praying for friends who know the gospel but struggle to trust Christ fully
    Would you be a good fit for this team? 

    Japan’s unique culture attracts missionaries who enjoy developing long-term relationships. You will need patience, as Japanese people tend to slowly grow in their knowledge of and commitment to Christ. Flexibility, willingness to adapt to the culture, and perseverance in language learning will help you thrive in Japan. SEND Japan is our oldest field, and our well-established team structures mean you will have ample support as you grow in ministry.


    People Groups
    Slavic Macedonians & Muslim Minorities (Albanian and Roma)
    Major Religions
    Macedonian Orthodox, Islam
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    SEND’s Ministry

    SEND has established a church in one of the fastest-growing suburbs of the capital city, and national leadership has taken responsibility for the ministry. Sports ministry, language classes, and Business as Mission initiatives are key platforms for building relationships and sharing the gospel. A second church is being planted, a third one is in early stages, and a fourth one is preparing for launch.

    SEND Macedonia needs:

    • People who love Christ—who want to share Jesus with others and devote their time and efforts to him.
    • People who love people—who love to connect, spend time, and invest in the lives of others.
    • People with grit—who persevere, have passion, and are courageous.
    Spiritual Climate
    Macedonia’s Eastern Orthodox heritage gives many a false sense of Christian identity based on a complex system of rituals, saints, and religious holidays. This system often makes people resistant to the life-giving gospel, which is obscured or even absent in the traditional church. Many Macedonians go through religious motions while espousing the atheism pushed on them during communist rule.
    Team Goals
    For 2025
    • 4 new church plants started
    • 4 existing church plants to become nationally led Biblical fellowships that make disciples
    • 25 missionaries mobilized for Macedonia (long and short-term)
    • 25 professionals becoming members of the Christian Professional Network and involved in a local church
    • 50 disciples baptized and involved in a local church 

    Middle East

    People Groups
    Middle Eastern Peoples
    Major Religions
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    SEND’s Ministry
    How will almost 1.5 billion Muslims respond to the gospel if they have never heard it? If their view of the Bible is distorted and they think everything in the West is Christian? The Church must step up and explain the truth clearly, but with gentleness, love and compassion. The Church needs to send its best to live incarnational lives among Muslim people.
    Spiritual Climate
    The unreached live in difficult places to reach, both physically and spiritually. To touch them we must trust Jesus to guide and sustain, be creative to find open doors, and be considerate of other ways of living. Being alert and sensitive to differences will aid in sharing the Good News with them, but the most important thing is to love Muslims as Christ loved us.
    Team Goals
    In the next five years, SEND Middle East will:
    • Seek to communicate a culturally relevant biblical message in the heart language of Muslim people in the Middle East.
    • Share the gospel in biblical stories.
    • Develop leaders in ways that fit the local context.


    People Groups
    Major Religions
    Roman Catholicism
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    The SEND Poland team offers opportunities for you to make a lasting impact. We do this by teaming with national believers to establish new churches and facilitating developing churches in southwest Poland.

    We are looking for team members to join us in connecting with Polish people through language classes, discussion and game clubs, and sports and youth ministries—anything that builds meaningful friendships!

    Spiritual Climate
    Almost 90% of Polish people practice the rituals and rights of Roman Catholicism but have never heard the Gospel, have no true sense of eternal security afforded believers, and have never had anyone pray for them by name. Polish people know all about religion; they need the relationship and grace freely given through the blood of Jesus Christ.  Faithful and seeking, Polish people are looking for truth and it is our desire to see them come to know the Truth and be set free by Him.
    Team Goals
    In the next five years, SEND Poland will:
    • Strengthen partnerships with Polish national pastors and believers.
    • Begin one new church planting site in Poland and another in the Czech Republic.
    • Intentionally reach out to college-age students and youth in our church plants.
    • Encourage the personal practice of regular solitary times of prayer.
    • Keep the goal of obedience-based discipleship as the key priority of every missionary.
    • Host 1-2 internships per year for students feeling called to cross-cultural missions.
    Life in Poland Looks Like: 
    • Deep, spiritual conversations as Polish people seek truth
    • Life-long friendships made and fostered through discipleship
    • Gracious help for foreigners willing to learn the Polish language and culture
    • A beautifully vibrant and colorful country home to seashores, forests and mountain ranges, creating a stark contrast to its grey and communist reputation
    • Efficient, inexpensive and safe public transportation connecting cities, towns and villages
    • Delicious, healthy food renowned worldwide for its pierogi and paczki
    • A convenient location in the very center of Europe 
    Would you be a good fit for this team? 

    SEND Poland needs workers who are flexible, adaptable, genuine and patient. We need people who connect easily with others but are willing to commit the time needed to develop real, life-long friendships. This involves learning the language and culture so that life-transformation and discipleship can take place. Biblical knowledge and personal transparency in your Christian walk will be extremely profitable during your time in Poland.


    People Groups
    Romanians and Roma
    Major Religions
    Orthodox Christianity
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    SEND’s Ministry

    SEND’s work in Romania is just beginning. We are partnering with Romanian church planters to engage lost communities while also equipping local believers to become disciple makers in order to establish churches in unreached areas. Beyond this, we are eagerly working to raise up future church leaders and Romanian missionaries to go to the unreached peoples of the world.

    Here in Romania, we develop meaningful relationships through life-on-life opportunities in both the village and city contexts. Our team engages the community through youth ministry, groups for young married couples, Roma ministry, neighborhood outreach, one-on-one Bible studies, and training of future church leaders.

    We are currently looking for people to join our team that would diversify our lasting impact. Explore with us new potentials in college ministry, teaching English classes, business as missions, social media influence, community discipleship center, etc. All skills and interests can open doors for the gospel here in Romania. 

    Our Vision

    Romanians Passionate for the Gospel. Romania Transformed by the Gospel.

    Spiritual Climate
    After the fall of Communism, Romania experienced a spiritual revival. The work of local churches and foreign missionaries doubled the number of evangelical churches in one decade, but most of those churches were in the north. Southern Romania remains virtually unreached.  Believers here, though few in number, are committed to spreading the gospel and have asked SEND for help. Many in the younger generation have left the traditional ways of Orthodoxy. They are searching for the truth and hungry for authentic relationships. We see a great need and openness for evangelism and discipleship in southern Romania.
    Team Goals

    In the next five years, SEND Romania will:

    • Establish a discipleship training center in the city of Craiova.
    • Develop at least one new church-planting team in Romania.
    • Launch at least one Romanian missionary to an unreached people group. 
    Life in Romania looks like:
    • Explore the cultural blend of East meets West in Romania.
    • Live among a generation hungry for authenticity and truth.
    • Enjoy modern conveniences alongside traditional lifestyles.
    • Discover spiritual growth through challenging experiences.
    • Encourage a small body of believers striving to live Biblically in a community that’s been historically stagnant.
    • Use your interests and gifts to engage the community in new ways.
    • Join a growing team passionate about evangelism, discipleship, and mobilization.
    • Make a lasting impact living relationally while sharing the gospel hope with others. 
    Would you be a good fit for this team?

    We are looking for humble, creative and authentic teammates who are eager to build relationships in the community. We are a team that partners with nationals in a variety of ways and it is important for us to be life-long learners. In order to thrive amidst all the demands of cross-cultural living, we prioritize Sabbath rest and spiritual growth. There’s a place for you in Romania if you are eager to: Explore new pathways for community transformation. Engage an unreached people group. Make meaningful relationships. Evangelize and disciple others. Train future church leaders. Mobilize missionaries.


    People Groups
    Russians from unengaged regions and levels of society; Unreached people groups living in Russia
    Major Religions
    Islam, Russian Orthodox, Tibetan Buddhist
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    SEND’s Ministry

    Along with ethnic Russians, Russia’s vast territory includes more than 100 unreached, minority people groups. Ministry here can take many forms in order to reach each of these cultures with the gospel. Whether connecting with Buddhists through English clubs, evangelizing in Muslim communities, or running camps for Slavic students, SEND Russia partners with local believers to engage unreached people groups with the gospel.

    While the country of Russia has become more complicated, isolated, and unpredictable than it has been in many years, the fact remains that many in this vast land remain far from any real gospel witness.
    smiling Buryat woman

    Our Russia team has experienced incredible upheaval in the last year, but we are also persevering in gospel ministry in a number of local communities. God is truly at work in the lives of many! Even as we are asking questions about how to persevere for the gospel, many people in Russia are asking questions, which soften their hearts to the gospel. We hold in tension the desire to strategically stay and expand our ministries to new communities, along with the many questions about what perseverance here looks like.

    In this context of uncertainty, Russia still offers opportunities for co-vocational workers whose gospel witness can spring from a visible commitment to loving the local community. We are persevering to find how we can enter communities, push through barriers, and make connections for the sake of the gospel.

    We invite you to discover how you can make a lasting impact for Christ in Russia. Strategic missionary service and Kingdom development start with prayer! Click here to find a prayer guide for unreached people groups in Russia.

    Spiritual Climate

    Much of Russia has no gospel witness. About two-thirds of the Russian population identifies with the culturally and politically strong, but spiritually weak, Russian Orthodox Church. Evangelical Christians remain a small percentage of the population (less than 2%), while Islam is Russia’s fastest-growing religion. Large unreached communities of Tibetan Buddhists also live in Russia, as do people groups that practice folk religions. In this spiritual climate, SEND workers develop meaningful relationships through which they share the hope of the gospel.

    Two Russian girlsRussia’s legacy of atheistic communism created a spiritual vacuum, with people attempting to fill their emptiness with wealth, sex, and other material pursuits. As a result, Russia suffers from rampant social problems, including high suicide rates, human trafficking, alcoholism, drug use, and HIV. Mourning casualties of war and the separation of families are also new realities for many, especially in minority communities. In this spiritual climate, SEND seeks to bring the light of the gospel to unreached places and partner with local believers to start new churches. With many local communities within Russia becoming harder to enter, SEND workers, now more than ever, need to be co-vocational, so their gospel witness can spring from a visible commitment to loving the local community.

    Team Goals
    • Plant new gatherings of believers among unreached people groups.
    • Explore engagement with other unreached people groups.
    • Equip believers in church planting and cross-cultural ministries.
    • Reach youth through camping ministries.
    • Disciple believers and strengthen families.
    • Teach English for evangelism.
    • Engage international students on college campuses.
    Life in Russia

    Eleven time zones sprawling from Eastern Europe to Far East Asia hardly characterizes the utter vastness of this country. The fall of the Soviet state left behind an aged, sometimes crumbling modern society. A continual process of upscaling hums in many urban areas across the country. Today the hard-won stability that people in Russia enjoyed appears again to be precarious. While many in Russia continue to embrace a brand of realism and nationalism that has allowed them to make sacrifices for family, and community, many are searching for more meaning in life.

    SEND Russia desires to build teams that thrive and have a lasting impact in their communitiesan impact that makes Christ’s great love famous to the diverse peoples of the Russian forests, steppes, cities, and Taiga.

    Russian man

    Join the team

    God can use a wide variety of gifts, talents, and experiences in Russia's diverse context. As you explore joining SEND Russia, here are some areas to consider:

    • Character: Do you have a growing love for God, his Word, and others? 
    • Coachability: Are you teachable and committed to life-long learning?
    • Competence: What gifts, skills, and experience have you developed?
    • Calling: How do you see God leading you into global service? 
    • Chemistry: How will you contribute to a healthy team community? 
    SEND's mission coaches help people discover their place in God's plan to reach the nations. Click here to reach a coach!


    People Groups
    Major Religions
    Roman Catholicism
    Watch short films about our ministry in Slovenia.
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    SEND’s Ministry

    The SEND Slovenia team offers opportunities for you to use your unique gifts and talents to proclaim Christ in a beautiful but spiritual needy place in Europe. Our team is praying and working to see a movement of Jesus followers, disciples, who are committed to one another and to bringing hope and transformation to Slovenia and beyond.

    In addition to Bible studies, a huge part of our ministry is building and maintaining relationships in our communities in various ways. A lot of this is happening in everyday life. We are committed to live life with gospel intentionality. This includes helping with teaching English and German, activities for kids and teens, creative and learning workshops for adults and working together with local projects. We would love to do more -- you and your individual gifting can help expand what we are doing and leave a lasting impact.

    Spiritual Climate
    Slovenia, like many other places in Europe, is post-Christian, meaning that though many Slovenes are nominally Catholic, participation in the Catholic church is declining and few know Christ personally. Most towns have no gospel witness to tell them Christ is the answer. Outwardly, Slovenes are hard working and enjoy a good quality of life. This self-dependence can be a barrier for them to seek the help of God or to understand crucial gospel concepts like grace.
    Team Goals
    In the next five years, SEND Slovenia will:
    • Establish the church plant in Ptuj.
    • Establish another church plant in a new location partnering with the Maribor church.
    • Add church planters, youth workers, and an evangelist to the Slovenia team. 
    Life in Slovenia looks like: 
    Slovenia is a beautiful country to live in. Slovenes enjoy the outdoors, meet a lot in cafes and restaurants, and go on hikes in the beautiful nature. Recreational sports are popular. From the outside, life in Slovenia seems very idyllic. However, there are some spiritual barriers in place that can make serving here challenging. Also, culturally, Slovenes are rather closed and self-sufficient. Therefore, developing relationships with locals takes time and long-term commitment. But it is worth it - there is nothing better than seeing God at work! 
    Would you be a good fit for this team?

    You are a good fit for this team if you enjoy sharing your life and Jesus with others. Our ministry is more about being with people and relationships than it is about programs. We are very open for new creative ideas and want you to use whatever skills God has given you (teaching English, playing sports, music, etc.) for outreach, to serve and to connect with people.

    Do you view yourself as a learner? Awesome! We welcome curiosity and a willingness to learn is essential. There is lots to learn here: language, culture(s) and new skills.

    We are a diverse team looking for others to join us long term in sustainable service to make disciples here in Slovenia.

    Please consider reaching out to us to explore joining our team!

    South Asia

    People Groups
    Major Religions
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    SEND’s Ministry
    SEND workers engage South Asian Muslims by building bridges of friendship and understanding. Through partnerships, the team uses medical services, literacy, and community health and development to minister in communities and connect Muslims to Jesus. SEND’s goal is to create Great Commission believers who will reach their neighbors, other people groups, and neighboring countries.
    Spiritual Climate
    80% of Muslims don’t even know a Christian, let alone have a Christian friend with whom they could raise spiritual questions. How will they respond to the gospel if they have never heard it?  The Church must step up and explain the truth clearly, but with gentleness, love and compassion. The Church needs to send its best to live incarnational lives among Muslims.
    Team Goals
    In the next five years, South Asia will:
    • Recruit people willing to learn a new language.
    • Seek to establish a spiritual reputation in local neighborhoods.
    • Follow social networks in sharing the gospel.
    • Use stories to present the gospel.
    • Sensitively but courageously seek to gather people together for worship.

    Southeast Asia

    People Groups
    Major Religions
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    SEND’s Ministry

    Muslims in this part of Southeast Asia—over 10 million people—have been ignored for centuries by messengers of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Team Hope is our answer to this need. Team Hope aims to be the physical presence of Christ in the midst of a large Muslim community, and to bring the message of our loving Lord, Jesus Christ. This multinational team ministers through education, community engagement, development farming, and community health. 

    Spiritual Climate

    Team Hope focuses on a Muslim group we call the Miga, who were first introduced to Islam by Arab traders nearly 1,000 years ago. They are disadvantaged and poor, often living on the fringes of land taken from them by immigrants from the north. The team builds bridges to Jesus while meeting this community’s significant needs through agricultural training, literacy development, tutoring, community health, and more. We have open doors to minister at a local university and in three unreached communities.

    Team Goals

    Team Hope needs followers of Jesus to help:

    • Communicate a culturally relevant biblical message in the heart language of Muslim peoples.
    • Share the gospel by telling biblical stories.
    • Develop leaders in ways that fit the local context.
    • Cultivate healthy families of faith that initiate Disciple Making Movements.
    Life in Southeast Asia looks like:
    • Long conversations over fresh-cooked meals
    • Unexpected connections that spring from daily chores, like going to the market
    • Celebrating the harvest with mothers who have planted their first gardens to feed their families
    • Praying over people with significant health needs and few resources
    • Investing in college students who are the first in their families to attend university
    • Rejoicing in each step toward Jesus, knowing that the journey out of Islam can take time
    Would you be a good fit for this team?

    Members of Team Hope love Jesus, enjoy investing in relationships, like to tell a good story, and have a passion to serve Muslims. If this is you, consider:

    • Do you maintain a close walk with Jesus?
    • Are you committed, hard-working, and resilient?
    • Are you open to lifelong learning?
    • How do you act on your desire to see more Muslims following Jesus?
    • Are you willing to live simply in order to identify with the local community?

    Members of Team Hope should demonstrate genuine love for people and intentionality in their time, skills, and conversations, in order to bring a Kingdom perspective of holistic ministry into the context of daily life and trusting relationships.


    People Groups
    Spaniards, Immigrants from: Latin America, South America, Eastern Europe, Africa
    Major Religions
    Roman Catholicism, Islam
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    SEND’s Ministry
    The growing SEND Spain team offers opportunities for you to use your unique gifts and talents to proclaim Christ. Our teammates develop relationships through conversational English classes, business as mission, youth events, music, sports, and community activities. We welcome creativity in reaching all of the people of Spain for Christ. Spain also needs workers who engage and disciple the next generation for Christ. Life-on-life relationships are critical to inviting people to faith and discipling followers of Jesus. 
    We are constantly exploring new ways to engage people in Spain and welcome new teammates who want to make a sustainable, lasting impact!
    Spiritual Climate
    Spain is at a crossroads: still recovering from the economic crisis during the pandemic while moving from a long history of cultural religion to a modern culture of secularism and materialism. Spain has a deep history that has impacted several continents and traditions that go back hundreds and thousands of years. At the same time, people struggle to navigate the present and future challenges in Spain. The Roman Catholic Church continues to have a significant influence on the life of Spaniards.
    Spain still has one of Europe's higher unemployment rates. Young people often lack hope for the future. True hope in Jesus Christ is shared through relationships built on time and trust. A strong evangelical testimony is needed, though not present in many towns and cities in Spain. It is estimated that 10 million people in Spain live in rural towns and smaller cities without an evangelical presence. There are many ethnic minorities, refugees, and immigrants in Spain as well in need of the gospel. Most evangelical churches in Spain are small and have few resources, and response to evangelism is slow.

    SEND Spain has a long history of partnership with denominations and local churches, working in provinces around Spain including areas surrounding Madrid and Basque Country. Though, the team is not limited to working in these areas.
    Team Goals

    Our vision is reaching Spain with the gospel and establishing reproducing churches that impact the world for Christ through healthy teams and partnerships. Our team values include service, respect, teamwork, development, and bearing fruit. 

    • Service - We are devoted followers of Christ who, through a life of servanthood, love and humility, give ourselves to helping others to know Jesus Christ and to grow in their relationship with Him. 
    • Respect - We in SEND Spain value the strength found in a diverse intercultural community, and through good communication we develop an atmosphere of transparency, trust, and respect.
    • Teamwork - We partner together with likeminded co-laborers, whether nationals or fellow missionaries. We commit to serving SEND Spain and to mutually supporting one another.
    • Development - In Spain we remain equipped, adaptable, and constantly improving as individuals, local teams, and as an organization to cultivate new ideas and new ways of building relationships, to reach people for Christ and build His Church. 
    • Bearing Fruit – As competent servants, we persevere in engaging with people by meeting holistic needs to make disciples who assemble in multiplying churches of Christ formed by the Word. 

    We are currently working on new five-year goals that will help SEND Spain develop as a team, mobilize new workers, reach the lost in Spain, and establish reproducing churches. One initiative we are exploring is expanding a gospel presence into Muslim communities. We invite you to learn more about joining our team! 

    Life in Spain looks like: 
    • Continually building relationships with people 
    • Adapting to the rhythms and culture of Spain
    • Using your skills and passions to meet people, share your faith, and disciple believers
    • The beauty of the seashore, mountains, and small towns
    • Amazing food
    • Sharing your story and journey of faith with people in meaningful ways
    • Navigating the cultural differences and learning the Spanish language
    • Investing in long-term relationships and partnerships 
    Would you be a good fit for this team? 

    We are looking for humble, creative, teachable, and persevering teammates who are eager to build relationships in the community. We partner with nationals in a variety of ways and it is important for us to be life-long learners. We walk closely with Jesus in work, rest, and spiritual growth in order to thrive amidst all the demands of cross-cultural living. Passion for Jesus, love for people, and patience are all characteristics that fit well working with the Spain team. 

    Please note: Due to Spanish laws, children of workers are required to be registered in a school recognized by the government. As a result, homeschooling is not a legal option in Spain for those interested to serve with SEND.


    People Groups
    Taiwanese (Hoklo), Hakka, children and youth, foreign workers
    Major Religions
    Ethnic religions, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Ancestor worship
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    SEND’s Ministry

    As we look around the small island nation of Taiwan, our focus is drawn to the needs of three groups: the Hakka, university students, and diaspora people from around Asia.

    The Hakka are a people group who originally migrated from China to Taiwan in the 1600s, and at 4.6 million people, they comprise nearly 20% of Taiwan’s population. Currently, only a handful of missionaries are working among them and we want to take the opportunity to reach the Hakka community with the message of Jesus through hospitality, English activities, Bible studies and storytelling, and supporting the very small number of Hakka Christians as they reach out to their community. Investing in this minority group and the local Hakka believers is a powerful display of Christ’s love for them.

    Taiwan’s university students highly value opportunities to connect with native English speakers. This provides an open door for ministry which includes meeting needs through English activities, building friendships, sharing the gospel, and mentoring young believers. During these pivotal years, students are willing to question the world’s expectations for them. We get to be a voice that speaks love, hope, and purpose into their lives.

    SEND’s Diaspora ministry serves diverse communities of Vietnamese, Thai, and Indonesians living in Taiwan. They often come in search of work and a way to support their families at home, but sometimes find themselves in difficult situations. SEND’s desire is to reach out to these communities by offering friendship, sharing the gospel, planting churches, encouraging Christians, and caring for those who find themselves in prison. We have the opportunity to bring the love of Jesus to people who are longing for home and searching for hope.

    Whether you are called to serve among the Hakka, university students, or the diaspora, Taiwan is a place where your light can shine. God can use your talents and skills, and even your weaknesses, to draw people to Himself.

    Spiritual Climate

    In Taiwan, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and ancestor worship are an integral part of the culture—many people adhere to a mix of them all. Idols are paraded through the streets with a loud procession. Outside the front door of homes and businesses, paper money is burned and offerings are displayed to ward off evil spirits. Ancestors are venerated as a way of caring for them in the afterlife and seeking their favor in the present. When someone is deceased, shoes are placed on their expired body in hopes of protecting their feet from the fires of hell.

    Some people perform religious rituals as a way to cover their backs because they are imprisoned by fear. To others, these acts are simply tradition and they acquiesce in order to appease their families. Still, others reject the cultural demands in favor of agnosticism.

    Over all of this spirituality, there exists a layer of materialism. The pursuit of wealth and education is a driving force in society, but expectations placed on the individual are difficult to bear. Students spend long hours in school trying to live up to their family’s standards. Adults are often slaves to their employers, working tirelessly while earning very little. Eventually, this fury leads to burnout and disillusionment. When neither possessions nor performance produces peace, some will begin to seek the Lord.

    Team Goals
    Life in Taiwan looks like:
    • The thrill of a bustling traditional market
    • Tasting authentic cuisine from around the world
    • Being blessed by the generosity of friends and neighbors
    • Laughing at your own language blunders
    • Experiencing the amazing convenience of convenience stores
    • Breathtaking scenery within arm’s reach and experiencing God’s creativity in nature
    • The fame and frustrations of being a native English speaker
    • Weaving through traffic on a scooter
    • The joy of drinking your favorite personalized tea
    • Being the first person to tell someone about Jesus

    Would you be a good fit for this team?

    To thrive in Taiwan, you will need:

    • A close, daily walk with Jesus
    • The desire to work on a multicultural team
    • A passion for trying new things
    • To embrace opportunities to learn many new things!


    People Groups
    Isaan, Northern Thai, Shan
    Major Religions
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    SEND’s Ministry
    University students. Urban professionals. Desperately poor villagers. At-risk women. Drug addicts. The needs in Thailand are so vast, that ministry cannot be limited to one group. With creativity, passion and vision, SEND Thailand reaches into all these spheres of society with one goal: To share the life-changing message of Jesus.
    Spiritual Climate

    The peoples of north and east Thailand practice Theravada Buddhism mixed with animistic practice and superstition. SEND Thailand reaches out to two main people groups:

    • The Shan in Northern Thailand. Generational poverty greatly influences the Shan way of life. Opportunities for ministry include empowering young women through education in order to break cycles of poverty and involvement in the sex trade; support of addiction recovery programs; and training in agriculture and other sustainable economic practices.
    • The Isaan, comprised of 18 million people on the northeastern plateau. In general, these are friendly, hospitable people, proud of their culture and beliefs. Our outreach takes place in university communities, where people are dedicated to education, yet have never learned about Jesus nor met a Christian.
    Team Goals

    Come join the team in Thailand, where you can:

    • Seek to share a culturally relevant gospel through biblical storytelling.
    • Set in motion a movement of faith in Christ that multiplies rapidly through ordinary people.
    • Serve Thais through micro-business, English classes and community development.
    • Focus on either the urban areas of the Isaan region, or rural ministry among the Shan.
    • Disciple new believers while continuing to share the gospel with those who have never heard the name of Christ.
    Life in Thailand looks like:
    • An adventure! Our team always stands poised to seize unexpected opportunities to proclaim the name of Christ.
    • The excitement of connecting every day with people in your community who have never heard the gospel.
    • More opportunities than you can imagine to build relationships, especially through English-language outreach.
    • The beauty of seashore, forests, and mountains.
    • Amazing food, thriving markets, and bustling cities.
    • Celebrating every step on the journey people take toward Jesus.
    • Discipling new believers for whom faith in Christ makes them feel like strangers in their own culture.

    Would you be a good fit for this team? 

    To thrive in Thailand, you will need:

    • Patience. Many people will not respond to the love of Christ; those who do will need discipleship as they step out of idol worship.
    • Willingness to serve behind the scenes, enabling Thai believers to take the lead in ministry as soon as possible.
    • A growing, committed relationship with Christ.
    • Eagerness to partner with others, to work on a team, and to communicate with openness and honesty.
    • Excitement about working with people from different cultures and backgrounds, and sensitivity in multicultural teaming.
    • Innovation, creativity and passion.


    People Groups
    Ukrainians, International students
    Major Religions
    Ukrainian Orthodox
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    SEND’s Ministry

    What does it mean to model a cross-cultural vision of the Gospel to believers who have already served well in their own culture and community? What does it look like to work in God’s harvest alongside coworkers whose passport doesn’t look like yours? These are some of the questions God is helping SEND Ukraine answer as a decade-long vision to send Ukrainian missionaries from Ukrainian churches is being realized.

    Believers who have been reached and discipled are now partnering with SEND Ukraine and Ukrainian churches to share the gospel with the hundreds of unreached people groups that live both across town, in diaspora communities within Ukraine, and across Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. SEND Ukraine supports this emerging missions movement through training, guidance, and member care.

    Spiritual Climate
    Opportunities to engage the unreached abound in Ukraine. More than a million people from more than 30 unreached people groups call Ukraine home, and some parts of the country remain less than 1% evangelical. Ukraine grows more multicultural every day, as students and immigrants arrive looking for education and opportunity. Though committed believers eagerly share the gospel in familiar contexts, the evangelical church still is developing a vision for reaching less-familiar communities.
    Team Goals
    • Develop a church-based theological education program to supplement traditional theological education.
    • Launch a church-planting work in a major unreached people group.
    • Start a strategic new church plant among Ukrainians in an unreached region.
    • Decide the best missionary-sending platform for the Ukrainian evangelical church and participate in its formation.
    • Expand ministry to marginalized people as a stimulus to Ukrainian churches. 
    Life in Ukraine

    In Ukraine, you’ll find a fascinating mix: ancient and modern, urban and rural, scientific and intuitive. Lately, long-held passions for both political freedom and stability characterize many people’s view of modern Ukraine. Clearly people in this ancient land tend to hold numerous values in tension. People in Ukraine often engage others with both curiosity and skepticism, a mix that allows for deep discussions, and requires patient relationship building. Whether you reach out to Ukrainians or to the many other people groups who live here, you’ll experience honest conversations about life, values and spiritual matters. Friendships can take a long time to build, but once trust is established, their roots run deep.

    SEND Ukraine desires to build teams that thrive in their communities, deeply impact believers through discipleship and catalyze passion and resolve for God’s global mission. 

    Join the SEND team 

    Ukraine offers opportunities both to reach others for Christ yourself, and to equip Ukrainian believers as they develop their own view of and commitment to global missions. As you explore becoming a missionary with SEND Ukraine, here are some areas to consider:

    • Character: Do you have a growing love for God, his Word, and others? 
    • Coachability: Are you teachable and committed to life-long learning?
    • Competence: What gifts, skills, and experience have you developed?
    • Calling: How do you see God leading you into global service?
    • Chemistry: How will you contribute to healthy team community? 
    SEND's mission coaches help people discover their place in God's plan to reach the nations. Click here to connect with a coach!

    Muslim Ministries

    People Groups
    Muslims in Anchorage, Atlanta, the Balkans, Central Asia, Detroit, India, Macedonia, Middle East, Minneapolis, Russia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Spain, Ukraine
    Major Religions
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    SEND’s Ministry

    SEND is sharing the hope and light of the gospel with Muslims in Asia, Eurasia, Europe and North America, with new ministries launching regularly. It often starts by addressing tangible needs through projects such as improving literacy, micro-finance, medical clinics, and community health and development—all in order to build bridges of trust into communities. Through all of this, we explain the truth clearly, with gentleness, love and compassion. Our desire is to make disciples who make disciples. We invite you to join us in life-changing ministry to Muslims around the world. 

    Spiritual Climate

    We share our planet with about 1.7 billion Muslim people. Naturally, such a large group represents amazing diversity. There are regional, cultural and language differences.  Some are deeply committed to their faith. Others are more nominal or practice a version of Islam that also incorporates folk religion. Some are refugees who have recently fled violence committed in the name of religion and, as a result, are questioning their faith. Some hear stories of Abraham and recognize Truth. Others dream of Jesus and ask to study his Word. Many see prayers in Jesus’ name answered and want to understand the source of his power. Because God is at work, “we are living in the midst of the greatest turning of Muslims to Christ in history,” says author David Garrison. 

    Team Goals
    • Mobilize 40 new workers for ministry to Muslim peoples
    • Encourage prayer for the unreached Muslim population
    • Urge the church to realize the need to reach out to Muslims
    • Share with the church the encouraging response of Muslims coming to faith
    • Build bridges into unreached Muslim areas
    • See new disciples raised up in the Muslim world
    • Model disciples reaching out to disciple others—and see others go on to use this model
    • See new churches started and reaching out to others
    Join Us

    Worldwide, there are 300,000 Muslims for every one Christian worker. To change that, we are looking for people to join us. How is God calling YOU to share his Hope and Light? 

    Learn more about our specific ministries and locations:


    Sign up to receive the SEND Hope and Light enewsletter with updates and prayer requests from SEND's teams serving Muslim peoples. 

    Learn More

    SEND offers workshops on how to reach your neighbors. Contact us to learn more. 

    Recommended Reading

    There are many books that have been written on Islam and reaching Muslims, here is a brief list to get you started.

    • Garrison, David, A Wind in the House of Islam. Wigtake Resources. 2014. 
    • Hoskins, Edward, J. A Muslim’s Heart. Colorado Springs: NavPress. 2003.
    • Loewen, Joy. Woman to Woman- Sharing Jesus with a Muslim Friend. Grand Rapids: Chosen. 2010.
    • McCurry, Don. Healing the Broken Family of Abraham: New Life for Muslims. Colorado Springs: Ministries to Muslims, 2001.
    • Mueller, Rolland. The Messenger, the Message, and the Community: Three Critical Issues for the Cross Cultural Church Planter. Canada. Canbooks. 2006.
    • Parshall, Phil. Understanding Muslim Teachings and Traditions. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House. 2002.
    • Qureshi, Nabeel. Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus. Grand Rapids: Zondervan. 2014
    • Swartley, Keith. Encountering the World of Islam. Waynesboro: Authentic Media. 2005.
    • Trousdale, Jerry. Miraculous Movements. Nashville: Thomas Nelson. 2012.
    • Watson, David and Paul. Contagious Disciple Making. Nashville: Thomas Nelson 2014.
    Recommended Websites 

    Diaspora | North America

    People Groups
    Immigrants from various unreached people groups
    Major Religions
    Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu and others
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    SEND’s Ministry

    The United States and Canada have welcomed more than 50 million immigrants, many of them from countries closed to Western missionaries. SEND’s Diaspora | North America workers minister to these displaced people.

    Diaspora comes from the Greek verb “to scatter.” Jesus’ parable of the sower features the root of this word; some of the scattered seeds wither, others flourish and reproduce. Many diaspora people — refugees, economic migrants, international students and government workers — have arrived in North America, where we have the chance to sow the seeds of the gospel. 

    SEND's diaspora workers live among the unreached in several distinct ethnic communities and engage people using diverse approaches that reflect the complexities of each group’s culture. Our overall vision is to share the love of Christ with diaspora people and see reproducing churches established within their communities both here and abroad.

    Spiritual Climate

    Many of the immigrants that we work with are very open to talk about spiritual things, though they come from different religious backgrounds, including Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism. Being overseas, they are in a place where it’s safer to examine other belief systems. Refugees in particular may have witnessed horrific acts performed in the name of God, which can make them feel nervous about pushy "religion." They need to experience real love, care and friendship. 

    Team Goals

    Our ambition is to love people deeply, help them explore who Jesus is, and see culturally appropriate churches develop that can reproduce themselves. We employ various approaches, but often start Discovery Bible Studies, which can then become reproducible house churches that spread throughout the immigrant community and filter back to people's home countries.  

    City guides
    Learn more about our outreaches in Metro Detroit
    Learn more about our team engaging refugees in Clarkston, GA
    Learn more about our ministry in Lancaster, PA
    Learn more about our diaspora ministry in New York City


    People Groups
    Vietnamese (Kinh)
    Major Religions
    Buddhism, Ethnic Religions
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    SEND’s Ministry
    Our vision for Vietnam is to make disciples among the majority and minority peoples through the engagement of strategic partnerships. This vision can be fulfilled when there are movements of disciples who gather and reproduce. Our strategy is to first engage the majority Vietnamese people, the Kinh, with a strong network of local and international partners. This majority people make up 90% of Vietnam's population but only 1.4% are evangelical Christians. Without a strong and reproducing Vietnamese Kinh church, the task of reaching other unreached people in Vietnam is compounded.

    In addition to this large task, we desire to start a parallel work among one of the 68 unreached people groups in Vietnam. These unreached people groups are a combination of Buddhist and ethnic religions. Our multinational team will partner with like-minded organizations and minister through education, development, and transformational business.
    Spiritual Climate
    Vietnam is officially a communist, atheist nation. However, about two-thirds of the population practices Buddhism and ethnic religions. There is a very small contingent of evangelical Christians and churches, mostly in southern Vietnam, but they are regularly oppressed and persecuted. There has been a mission presence and a fully translated Bible for almost 100 years, and the church continues to grow despite its suffering.
    Team Goals
    • Communicate a culturally relevant, biblical message to a majority people who lead and influence the nation.
    • Rescue the displaced and marginalized community who are homeless, cheated, or in danger of being trafficked and enslaved.
    • Relieve - provide assistance to the displaced and marginalized community who are suffering, deprived, or sick.
    • Restore - the traumatized with the displaced and marginalized community to holistic, physical, mental, and spiritual health.
    • Rehabilitate - the displaced and marginalized community who need education, livelihood skills, social life, and dignity.

    Life in Vietnam looks like:

    • Learning the local language and practicing with neighbors, friends, and as you shop for food in the market.
    • Partnering with like-minded NGOs and being part of a cross-organizational, multicultural team.
    • Using your God-given gifts, abilities, and skills to share the message and hope of Jesus in everyday life.
    • Living in a large modern urban context with impoverished communities woven into the environment.

    Would you be a good fit for this new team?

    To thrive in Vietnam, you will need:

    • A close, daily walk with Jesus.
    • A pioneering spirit and a love to bring hope to both urban and marginalized peoples.
    • Passion in your love for the Vietnamese and a commitment to the work of making disciples.
    • Excitement about partnering with a network of other organizations.


    People Groups
    Major Religions
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    SEND’s Ministry
    The vision for SEND in Indonesia is to be the presence of Jesus and bring the message of Jesus among the unreached Muslims. This vision will be fulfilled when there are movements of faithful disciples who gather together and reproduce among these people groups. We believe the best way to accomplish this goal is to implement holistic strategies that include both proclamation and presence. As each unreached people group is engaged, we want to learn from and about them. We want to see them have strong relationships, marriages, families, and communities who then have the capacity to bring Jesus to their natural social network and beyond. Our deepest desire is to see the Gospel spread to these healthy communities and then from these communities to more communities.
    Spiritual Climate
    Indonesia is home to more than 270 million people and is the world’s most populous Muslim nation. We have an urgency to bring the message of Jesus to those who have never had the opportunity to hear the truth.
    Team Goals
    • Communicate a culturally relevant, biblical message in the heart language of Muslim Indonesians
    • Share the gospel by telling biblical stories
    • Cultivate healthy families of faith that initiate Disciple Making Movements (DMM)

    Life in Indonesia looks like:

    • Learning the local language and practicing with neighbors and friends, and as you shop for food in the market
    • Being mentored by experienced ministry veterans and DMM strategists
    • Using your God-given gifts, abilities, and skills to share the message of Jesus in everyday life

    Would you be a good fit for this new team?

    To thrive in Indonesia, you will need:

    • A close, daily walk with Jesus.
    • A pioneering spirit and a love to pave the way for future teammates who will join you in being the presence of Jesus.
    • Passion in your love for Muslims and a commitment to the work of making disciples.
    • Excitement about partnering with experienced workers in Indonesia, many who are from different cultures and backgrounds.

    Southeast Asia Diaspora

    People Groups
    International Migrants, Malays, Malaysians
    Major Religions
    Islam, Buddhism, Hindu, Animism, and Christianity
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    SEND’s Ministry
    There are over 281 million international migrants (IM) globally, of which 111 million live in Asia. These IMs are often asylum seekers with a majority of them not registering with the UN due to fear of detainment and deportation. Many of these IMs have been in their host country for five, ten, twenty years or more. Most have lost hope in the asylum system and are resigned to a life where they cannot legally work, go to school, receive basic healthcare, or integrate into society. They live without hope. Our desire is to introduce them to Jesus as the only one who can bring hope. Our Southeast Asia Diaspora ministry is a strategic focus among IMs, beginning in Malaysia, where there are an estimated 5+ million IMs. Our multinational team will partner with like-minded NGOs and minister through education, development, community health, and engagement.
    Spiritual Climate
    Malaysia’s official religion is Islam and about 60% of the population are Malay Muslims. The remaining 40% of the population are Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, and Animists. A Malay person is someone who professes Islam, habitually speaks Malay, conforms to Malay customs, and is the child of a Malaysian parent. Because of strict apostasy laws, all Malays are Muslims and not allowed to change their religion. Our team desires to reach the IMs that live within this context, but are not subjected to these same laws.
    Team Goals
    • Communicate a culturally relevant, biblical message to the displaced and marginalized community.
    • Rescue the displaced and marginalized community who are homeless, cheated, or in danger of being trafficked and enslaved.
    • Relieve - provide relief assistance to the displaced and marginalized community who are suffering, deprived, or sick.
    • Restore the traumatized with the displaced and marginalized community to holistic, physical, mental, and spiritual health.
    • Rehabilitate the displaced and marginalized community who need education, livelihood skills, social life and dignity.

    Life in Malaysia looks like:

    • Learning the local language and practicing with neighbors, friends, and as you shop for food in the market.
    • Partnering with like-minded NGOs and being part of a cross-organizational, multicultural team.
    • Using your God-given gifts, abilities, and skills to share the message and hope of Jesus in everyday life.
    • Living in a large, modern, urban context with impoverished IM communities that are woven into the environment.

    Would you be a good fit for this new team?

    To thrive in Malaysia, you will need:

    • A close, daily walk with Jesus.
    • A pioneering spirit and love to bring hope to marginalized peoples.
    • Passion in your love for Muslims and a commitment to the work of making disciples.
    • Excitement about partnering with experienced NGO organizations and workers in Malaysia.


    Major Religions
    Orthodox Christian, Ethnic Religions, Muslim
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    SEND’s Ministry

    South of towering Mt Elbrus*, hidden valleys, austere peaks, and pristine highlands have been home to communities tucked into a relatively small, but significant, borderland. This land, known as “Transcaucasia,” consists of Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. It marks the end of Europe and the beginning of West Asia.

    For centuries, successive waves of peoples migrating across Eurasia settled in tiny valleys, along riverbanks, and on windswept hillsides. In some places, they mingled with even older, more established communities. In other cases, these new ethnic communities remained isolated. The settling of Transcaucasia this way created a greater variety of distinctive languages than in any other area of similar size in the world. 

    This ethnic and cultural diversity in Transcaucasia has largely been preserved by the very geographic isolation that created it. SEND Eurasia’s vision is to see God grow communities of culturally relevant, Jesus followers in each distinct people group in this diminutive, yet multi-faceted region.

    Because Transcaucasia is the newest ministry area in SEND Eurasia, we started with prayer, asking the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into the harvest fields of Transcaucasia. As we have prayed, we have also strategically begun to deploy experienced workers to this least-reached region. This last year SEND workers have been praying, surveying, and now engaging the unreached in one of the region’s most multi-cultural, urban centers. We are in the beginning stages of working in God’s harvest fields in Transcaucasia. Yet even in our exploration, relationship building, and initial ministry engagement, our new team in Transcaucasia remains as committed as ever to mobilizing God’s people, and engaging the unreached to establish healthy, culturally relevant, reproducing churches. 

    We invite you to join us in making a lasting impact for Christ in the Transcaucasia Area. Pioneer with us as we find meaningful pathways into communities and into gospel-focused relationships. The harvest is plentiful. Will you consider serving with us in the harvest fields of this amazing region?

    *5,642 meters, or 18,500 feet high, making Mt. Elbrus Russia’s tallest mountain

    Spiritual Climate
    The Transcaucasia Area is largely unreached with the gospel. Among the majority peoples, small numbers are true followers of Jesus Christ. Orthodox Christians in the region share their countries with almost 60 other ethnic-minority people groups. And while there is one predominant Muslim ethnic group in the region, they also share their communities with another 40 ethnic minority peoples within their borders. Most of these people groups are unreached with the gospel.

    As a nexus buffer zone between eastern and western civilizations, Transcaucasia’s people are a mixture of both eastern and western cultures. In the 20th century, the three countries which currently make up this area were each absorbed as separate republics under the Soviet Union. But even before the rise of the Soviet Era, clashes for resources and ideology were a continual feature of this gateway region between the mountains. One Transcaucasian country has been conquered some 40 times due to its strategic location. Since the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991, various renewed conflicts and wars have plagued the region. 

    While Orthodox Christianity has predominated in much of Transcaucasia since the 4th century*, they have also been surrounded by Muslim societies for much of that time. In the present-day context, Orthodox Christians here consider it traitorous to reject their Orthodox faith to become Catholic, Protestant, or any other religion. The same inseparable link between culture and religious faith can also be found in the surrounding Muslim communities.

    There is no shortage of unreached places and peoples in these three countries, or in the larger area surrounding Transcaucasia. For that reason, SEND considers Transcaucasia an incredibly strategic place to serve in God’s harvest fields.

    *Armenia traces its Christian roots back to the Apostles Bartholomew and Thaddeus
    Team Goals
    • Keep learning and understanding the local context.
    • Explore engagements of other unreached people groups.
    • Give focused attention to language/cultural learning.
    • Deepen partnerships with national leaders and explore ministry opportunities together with them.
    • Look for ways to collaborate with other ministries focused on training local believers and international short-term interns.
    • Engage students on university campuses.
    • Investigate ways to use English, community development, education, and business to provide value-added service to local communities.
    Life in Transcaucasia

    Transcaucasian history is rich. The peoples are diverse. The landscape is breathtaking. These countries have deep roots—historically, culturally, and religiously—to which many hold tight. Among others, there are aspirations for greater European integration and western norms. The majority live in growing, populous cities, but diverse peoples are also still scattered throughout small, unchanging villages. In Transcaucasia, old meets new; tradition meets modernity every day. Those who break from cultural and historical norms may be met with opposition, or perhaps embraced. But woven throughout, warm hospitality remains a deeply-held value. Patient relationship-building and deepening trust is key.

    Weekly rhythms for our workers here are investigative and relational. On any given day, our Transcaucasian team moves out into the community, learning the culture and language, something SEND highly values and prioritizes for our workers. Every week, these workers meet with believers from tiny local churches, partnering with them in their outreach endeavors. In every weekly connection, SEND’s Transcaucasia team seeks to learn and grow in their understanding of local needs and opportunities.

    The team also hopes to deepen engagement in discipleship ministry with local and international young people, to see youth live on mission with Jesus, and grow to become more global in their understanding of His church. Beyond making connections in small faith communities, our Transcaucasia team also regularly explores, networks, and seeks viable ways to begin work among the least-reached of these countries. Teaching English, community development, education, training, and starting kingdom businesses are all avenues to reach people with the gospel. The team is currently building pathways into these strategic ministry avenues so that, in all that we do, our workers can both tell Jesus’ story and love people in His name, as effectively as possible.

    Join the Team

    God can use a wide variety of gifts, talents, and experiences in Transcaucasia’s diverse context. As you explore joining SEND Transcaucasia, here are some areas to consider:

    • Character: Do you have a growing love for God, his Word, and others? 
    • Coachability: Are you teachable and committed to life-long learning?
    • Competence: What gifts, skills, and experience have you developed?
    • Calling: How do you see God leading you into global service? 
    • Chemistry: How will you contribute to a healthy team community? 

    SEND's mission coaches help people discover their place in God's plan to reach the nations. Click here to reach a coach!

    Opportunities in SEND North

    Opportunities in Albanian Ministries

    Opportunities in Bulgaria

    Opportunities in Central Asia

    Opportunities in

    Opportunities in Croatia

    Opportunities in Czech Republic

    Opportunities in

    Opportunities in India

    Opportunities in Japan

    Opportunities in Macedonia

    Opportunities in Middle East

    Opportunities in Poland

    Opportunities in Romania

    Opportunities in Russia

    Opportunities in Slovenia

    Opportunities in

    Opportunities in Southeast Asia

    Opportunities in Spain

    Opportunities in Taiwan

    Opportunities in Thailand

    Opportunities in Ukraine

    Opportunities in Muslim Ministries

    Opportunities in North America (Immigrants & Refugees)

    Engage Diaspora
    Do you have a passion for making an eternal impact by serving the needy? Join our short-term...
    Country: North America (Immigrants & Refugees)
    Term: Short-Term (2 weeks - 1 year), Short-Term (4-6 months), Short-Term (7-12 months)
    Minneapolis | Refugee Ministry
    Our Diaspora North America team is seeking passionate Christ-followers eager to guide others...
    Term: Long-Term (3+ years), Mid-Term (1 - 3 years), Short-Term (1-3 months), Short-Term (2-4 weeks), Short-Term (4-6 months), Short-Term (7-12 months)
    Country: North America (Immigrants & Refugees)
    Michigan | Muslim Refugee Ministry
    Do you love Jesus and have a passion for making a difference in a diverse community with...

    Project in SEND North

    Project in Albanian Ministries

    Project in Bulgaria

    Project in Central Asia

    Project in

    Project in Croatia

    Project in Czech Republic

    Project in

    Project in India

    Project in Japan

    Project in Macedonia

    Project in Middle East

    Project in Poland

    Project in Romania

    Project in Russia

    Project in Slovenia

    Project in

    Project in Southeast Asia

    Project in Spain

    Project in Taiwan

    Project in Thailand

    Project in Ukraine

    Project in Muslim Ministries

    Project in North America (Immigrants & Refugees)

    TEAM 4:5 Short-term Missions Trips
    In: Asia, Philippines
    This project aims to train and send  young Filipinos and Americans on short-term missions trips.  We've witnessed the impact of young teams venturing out to serve the Lord... Read More »
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