
The Last Patient

Tags: Health Care, Muslim Ministry, Southeast Asia, Story

Tara* was the last patient before the doctors took a break for lunch. That morning, in this coastal fishing village, more than 200 patients had received health care, counseling, and prayer in our medical clinic. Dr. Sam*, a physician and close friend who has been leading these clinics for more than a decade, patiently listened as Tara complained of severe back pain and a few other ailments. Dr. Sam attended to her needs and then asked if she had any other concerns about which he could pray. Although Tara was silent, a few elderly women sitting nearby told me more of her story after everyone else had left for lunch.  

For 17 years, Tara has been oppressed by an evil spirit. Each event has left her fearful and ashamed. She tried to fight the possession through incantations and Qur’anic mantras, which seemed to only work temporarily.

These women were deeply concerned for Tara whose pain I could not begin to understand. I took the opportunity to tell them a new story. Sitting a few yards from the beach, I began to tell the women and Tara about Jesus falling asleep in a boat. When the boat entered a storm, Jesus looked into the gale and with one word brought immediate calm. This same Jesus later got out of the boat and looked into the eyes of a man horribly possessed by a large number of spirits. Again, with a word from Jesus, these spirits were evicted from the man and thrown into a herd of pigs. (At this, the women laughed with appreciation.)

I told them that Jesus is the only one who has true and lasting power over any spirit. Their incantations may temporarily appease, but only Jesus has true, lasting power. I then turned to Tara and told her that we would be in their village all day and if she wanted us to share more about Jesus and to pray with her, she should bring her husband with her.

Lunch ended and immediately the doctors and clinic staff were inundated by the largest crowd we have ever served in one day. By the power and mercy of God, we cared for over 700 beautiful people, many having suffered for years with severe and painful conditions.

As the tropical sun was setting, taking with it the heat of the afternoon, the final patients began to trickle out. As the crowds diminished, Tara brought her husband Tom* to Dr. Sam to have his back pain checked. As with Tara, Dr. Sam gently asked Tom repeatedly if there were any other concerns he wanted to share. His eyes said yes but his head shook no.

Then I shared with Tom the story I had told Tara earlier. I looked him in the eye and asked if we could pray for him and Tara in the name of Jesus. With intense relief, the couple leaned in close for prayer.

I turned to Betty*, our 70-year-old team member who loves Jesus more than retirement, and asked her to pray for them. Betty held their hands and tears filled everyone’s eyes as she brought the beauty and power of Jesus upon Tara through prayer.

After prayer, we shared that true healing comes through surrender and becoming a follower of Jesus and we would love to tell them more about it. But it was getting late and Tara had four children clinging to her and begging for attention, so the prayer time ended.

A few weeks passed and my wife returned to this village for follow-up and training with mothers on healthy family habits. And there were Tara and Tom! They had been standing for hours at the edge of the highway, waiting and hoping for us to pass by. They joyfully asked when we could both return and talk with them.

Please pray for this meeting, that they would seek Jesus and their whole hearts will be healed.

— Shared by workers with Team Hope

*Not their real names

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