
Erika Woo

In: Southeast Asia, Thailand
ID: 405200

"Hello! I am so excited to have the opportunity to go to the Philippines and Thailand this summer for a short-term mission trip with Team 4:5, a brand new short-term missions organization in the Philippines that aims to equip, encourage, and empower young Filipinos to live out their calling of sharing their faith with others. This summer we will be hosting the first trips for students and my team will be heading to a region in northwest Thailand called Mae Hong Son to serve a small community.

I previously served on mission in Thailand for a year and fell in love with the people and their culture, so it brings me so much joy to have the opportunity to go back! Thailand is a country with very few believers, but so many seeking hearts. Not only do I love sharing my faith with others, but one of the things that my heart longs for the most is to encourage others to go on mission as well and be open to whatever God may call them to. I hope to share what I learned during my time in Thailand previously with the students and help them to grow in their faith as well.

Will you partner with me in mobilizing young Filipinos to reach others with the Gospel?" 405200

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