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I’ve been to Chernobyl. I’ve seen the resilience of the Ukrainian people, and I understand why they make incredible missionaries.

Just 30 years after the Soviet Union shattered and Western missionaries moved in, the Ukrainian evangelical church has caught a missions vision of its own. More than 900 unreached people groups live in Central Asia and Eurasia, where Russian is the trade language and Ukrainians are well-received. Ukrainians know they were made to go share the love of Christ with these people.

SEND partners with Ukrainian churches to equip and send Ukrainian missionaries. Through the Kairos missions education course, we teach and train. We’ve even developed a missions curriculum for children, because the next generation of Ukrainians will be just as needed in God’s plan to reach the nations.

More than 400 short-term and over a dozen mid- and long-term Ukrainian missionary partners have already gone out, and more are preparing. Now is the time to support a burgeoning missions movement! An investment of $162,000 will provide education, training, and support—and will ripple across the entire region as the unreached accept the gospel.