
Warm Winter Woes

Tags: SEND North, Story

Saying "warm winter" does sound strange, especially if you live on the east coast. We are officially in spring, but that didn't stop winter from still striking some areas last weekend.  While the rest of the country was hit with record breaking snow and cold over the last several months, Alaska was breaking its own records. 

Eight cities in the state set records in 2014 for warm temperatures. For the first time since records were kept, temperatures in Anchorage did not dip below zero once last year. This flip flop of weather conditions is nothing new, but it is getting worse and no one likes it. 

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No one likes digging out tons of snow when you and your city are not ready for it.  Alaskan's didn't like being stuck in the mud.

Winter recreational activities were non-existent.  Annual traditions were canceled.  Take the Nordic Skiing Association of Anchorage for example.  They had to cancel their 50-kilometer Tour of Anchorage ski race.  Since temperatures that day rose into the high 30s, they had a beach themed party instead!   The Iditarod had to move the race start hundreds of miles north to Fairbanks and create a whole new race route. However, there is more lost than just fun and games. 

Essential winter hunting didn't occur.  Relationships suffered as people had to stay home because of the warm weather.  Snow makes smooth roads over impassible summer terrain.  Cabin fever was at an all-time high.   This warm weather will have lasting negative effects; take berries for example.  A good snow pack is vital for the whole ecosystem which includes wild berry harvests.  Wild berries provide essential nutrients during the dark winter months.  This past year's bleak snowfall leaves the fear of a dismal berry harvest next fall.  Next winter may even be harder if the local food supply gets depleted by the warmth.  In the 60/70 Window a healthy winter is necessary for people's survival!

Through all of this we see yet again that the creation is groaning to for its freedom when Jesus returns to make all things right!  Until the time when the weather behaves, pray that we remain faithful!  Pray for a bountiful harvest of souls in the warming Far North!  

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