Prayer leads the way.
April 2024

By a member of SEND’s Romania | Europe team

A vision begins with prayer, and the SEND Romania team is watching as God answers their prayers and establishes their vision to mobilize Romanians to the nations.

Brief History of Missions in Romania

After the fall of communism in 1989, Romania welcomed an influx of missionaries. The tangible help offered was greatly valued, and the spiritual encouragement was desperately needed. Over the last 30 years, hundreds of missionaries from the west have come to Romania with a desire to share the gospel of Christ. A majority of these missionaries invested in the northern or central regions of Romania, or in the capital city of Bucharest. In those areas, they indeed left a lasting impact, but the southern region still has little evangelical presence.

With a desire to engage unreached areas with the gospel, the current SEND International team was established in one of the southern, unreached counties of Romania in 2013 (by 2019 the team had 5 adults). Knowing that without the work of the spirit all efforts would fail, the team has faithfully prayed for God to work in this region for his glory. Together, they have prayed for individual Romanians to be passionate for the gospel, and for Romania to be transformed by the gospel.

Five years ago, the SEND team had a vision to see Romania transition from a mission “receiving” field to a mission “sending” force. So, they began asking the Lord to raise up laborers for the harvest to be sent out from Romania, even from this unreached area in the south. Over the course of the last several years, prayer has been a steadfast practice in the life of the SEND team in southern Romania.

With hope of seeing this unreached corner of the country transformed by the gospel, the team began investing in local churches through small group Bible studies and one-on-one discipleship. Furthermore, the team has advocated for engagement in missions by preaching from the word about the great commission and hosting mission seminars. But, throughout all of this, the team continued to pray for God to raise up workers from Romania to go to the nations with the gospel.

Millions of people in Europe remain unreached, whether they are lost in a post-Christian world or are recent immigrants from countries closed to the gospel witness. Learn more about SEND’s teams in Europe.Explore Europe


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